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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/06/20

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, June 20, 2011

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, William Roach Vice Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Absent: Emma Smith
Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 7:00PM  

Scott Blewitt-Recreation Committee Grilling Policy
•Scott Blewitt reviewed the recommendations from the Recreation Committee regarding the grilling policy to the Board. Charcoal or propane grilling are suggested to be allowed at Tilton Park, Dewey Beach and Georges Mills Beach. Other locations should be reviewed by the Board of Selectmen. A fixed charcoal grill and a container to dispose of used coals will be available at each location. There will be a designated area with surface pads at each location for grilling. Donna Nashawaty asked if there would be signs. Scott Blewitt responded that there would be a sign indicating where grilling was allowed. Scott Blewitt described the grilling are locations:
Dewey Beach- Where the storage shed is located, to the far left of the beach, across the little bridge, over the sway ell. The shed will be re-positioned; something will be done to control the poison ivy.
Tilton Park- In the woods area, right off the parking lot, where picnic tables are located.
Georges Mills Beach-The grilling location has not been determined. Chairman Gallup suggested the green space between the beach area and dock area. Donna Nashawaty said that was where the dogs “do their business”, but maybe they wouldn’t if it was made the grilling location. Chairman Gallup asked if the areas for grilling be open to grilling at any time, Scott Blewitt responded that it would. Scott Blewitt went on to say that the process would be the same as it is now; a group or organization would have to fill out a use of facilities form, a family could go to one of the locations and use the grilling area. In Chairman Gallup’s opinion, out of the three locations, Tilton Park is the best place to hold a group activity because of the playground, Frisbee golf and parking. Scott Blewitt said all the same beach rules would apply for residents and their guests in regard to grilling. A “heads up” would be required not only for insurance purposes, but also for staffing. Chairman Gallup asked if the Board needs to write-up a policy, then vote, approve and sign it. Donna Nashawaty suggested the Board add this to the Town ordinances. Donna Nashawaty asked for the Board’s thoughts, and would write-up a policy for them to review. Chairman Gallup liked what Scott Blewitt proposed to the Board. Donna Nashawaty wondered how long it would take to get signage, grills and pads for the surface in place, if this was accepted by the Board.  Scott Blewitt stated he could get everything completed and ready to go by the end of July. Donna Nashawaty asked what the answer would be if someone asked about grilling at these locations?
Would the policy be effective August 1st? Chairman Gallup thought if someone came to the Board and wanted to grill between now and August 1st, the Board could make arrangements to show applicant where they can grill at the location, which for this period will be gas only. Scott Blewitt can get the signs in a matter of days; it’s the grills that could be a few weeks. Donna Nashawaty asked about how long for the surface pads. Scott Blewitt will check with Tony Bergeron. The surface pads are made from “hard packed” gravel. Selectman Brown asked if there would be one charcoal grill installed by the Recreation Committee at each site and Scott Blewitt responded yes. Selectman Brown wondered that when the shed is moved the area where the kayaks are stacked is full of poison ivy; is Scott Blewitt going to get rid of the poison ivy. Scott Blewitt stated he will do what he can with black bags and vinegar. The beach staff is limited because they cannot use chemicals, since there so close to the water. Scott Blewitt is looking for suggestions. Selectman Brown feels if it is covered with black plastic to suffocate it, which might control the growth. Selectman Brown is concerned if the shed is moved, how big is the area? Scott Blewitt stated the area is quite large. The shed is actually right in the middle and if moved slightly would make better use of the land. Scott Blewitt reminded the Board that the area was only for grilling purposes and that the residents would go to the picnics tables to eat. Selectman Brown asked if people would be able to bring their own charcoal grills and Scott Blewitt said no. Selectman Brown asked if that would be the only charcoal grill at the location. Scott Blewitt stated that unless the committee felt that charcoal grilling became popular, in Scott Blewitt’s opinion more people use gas grills when grilling. If the committee found more people did use the charcoal grill, the committee would look into installing another charcoal grill at each location. Chairman Gallup wondered if the Board should hold a public hearing to inform the residents about the changes and to take comments. The consensus of the Board was to put the grilling policy on the agenda of Tuesday, July 5th for public comments. Selectman Gottling asked what the hours would be and would this have any kind of enforcement issues. Scott Blewitt stated that Dewey Beach is staffed seven days a week from 9:00am to 6:00pm, but the gate is open from dawn to dusk, according to the deed. Selectman Gottling question are grilling hours when the beach is opened? Chairman Gallup suggested that the groups that would be grilling could be encouraged to do their grilling before the staff goes home. Donna Nashawaty stated that when a group applies that the staff or lifeguards are asked to stay until the group goes home. Donna Nashawaty stated that Dewey Beach is covered with the gate, but at Georges Mills Beach and Tilton Park people can be there at all hours of the day and night. Chairman Gallup said the Town would then be covered by the noise ordinance, which leads Scott Blewitt to ask if there was an ordinance for recreational areas to be closed after dark? Donna Nashawaty said no specific hours only regulated under noise ordinance which states “a reasonable noise”. An example would be a construction company working at 7:00am in the morning and a person wants to sleep in or holding a wedding or birthday party on a Saturday night and playing loud music at 11:00pm is this reasonable? Donna Nashawaty went on to say that it is a Board policy and the Board can change it as instances occur. Scott Blewitt wanted to offer some options on the grills; the standard grill is two feet by two feet and then there are double grills that are four feet by two feet. The double grills might be good options for Dewey Beach and Tilton Park and the standard grill for Georges Mills Beach. In Scott Blewitt’s opinion, most people will bring their table top grills.
Scott Blewitt wanted to explain to the Board that the reason the committee made the decision on charcoal grills was that from start to finish it might take up to an hour for the charcoal coals to cool off. The committee felt if they provided the grills in theory, the resident could pour water on the hot coals and maybe be able to leave earlier. The committee said no to allow people to bring their own charcoal grills, but could be open to it. Chairman Gallup thinks if the charcoal grill gets a lot of use and it becomes an issue that more can be installed. Donna Nashawaty asked who was paying for the grills and Scott Blewitt responded that the money was coming out of his budget. Donna Nashawaty asked the price of the grill and Scott Blewitt said they were $150 apiece. Selectman Roach likes the proposal and thinks it’s a good start. Selectman Brown thinks the Board should allow both gas and charcoal grills at the locations provided there is a place to dispose of the charcoal coals. Selectman Brown said that people are grilling now with charcoal coals, but Donna Nashawaty stated that it’s after hours. Selectman Brown still doesn’t understand why it would be a problem now, if it wasn’t a problem before. Scott Blewitt agreed with Selectman Brown. Selectman Gottling asked how many picnic tables were at the beach, Scott Blewitt responded that there were 10. Selectman Gottling said that you could put a grill on the table top, but Chairman Gallup reminded her that the grilling had to be done in the designated area. Selectman Brown stated that you would not want to put a grill on the top of a plastic coated picnic table and Scott Blewitt agreed. Chairman Gallup thinks the ordinance can be written up the way Scott Blewitt described it and can take public comments at the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 5th.    
•Scott Blewitt wanted to share with the Board a list of recent volunteerism within the community.
1) A commercial grade swing set, which is handicapped assessable, was installed at Dewey Baseball Field. The funds for the swing set came from the fall blueberry fundraiser at Bartlett Blueberry Farm and the Gigi Polley Charitable Foundation. The installation and concrete work was done by Andy Nichols. According to Scott Blewitt this project was completed entirely by donations, donated work and volunteers.  
2) The newsletter, which has been a huge success over the last 5 years, has always been done by Sharon Tealaca, who has never charged for her services.
3) The new bathroom and deck project being done currently at Dewey Beach, some rock needed to be chiseled away, the work is being donated by Ted Gallup.
4) There were a record number boys and girls participating in baseball and softball and residents that donated their time for a number of years to umpire these games and 50 volunteers that have been donating their time to coach these teams.
Some of these people will not take a fee for their services, so as a token of appreciation Scott Blewitt issues gift certificates for dinner as a thank you. Selectman Brown just wanted to comment that the new handicap bathroom and deck look great and will be a nice addition to Dewey Beach. Selectman Brown asked if the bathroom would be locked up at night and Scott Blewitt responded that he was looking into a time locking device or see if the Police Department, while making their rounds would lock the bathroom and close the gate. Scott Blewitt stated he had to give credit to Craig Heino, the Town’s maintenance man who has done all the carpentry work on the new bathroom and deck. Scott Blewitt went on to say that Craig Heino was a great asset to the Town, and does quality work.   

Public Comments
Selectman Roach wanted to note that the Sunapee Boys Baseball won the Division IV State Championship held Saturday, June 18th in Manchester. The Sunapee Lakers beat Colebrook 13-9.

Selectmen Action
•Chairman Gallup stated that the Purchase and Sales Agreement was going to be put on hold; the Attorneys are still chatting and should be ready to sign at the next meeting.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Gospel Singing Group to use the Ben Mere Bandstand on July 10th by Selectman Brown seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.

Chairman Report
•Representative Bowers reminded the Board that the County Delegation meets June 30th  
to approve the County Budget at 10:00am in Newport at the Technical School.
•Selectman Gottling asked where the picnic tables in the harbor? Selectman Gottling said there were two big tables and one mini or kiddie table. Chairman Gallup asked up by the bandstand? Selectman Gottling said no, right now by the water. Selectman Brown stated that the tables were by the bathrooms. Selectman Gottling just wondered where they came from and the only reason why she has brought it up was because she mentioned it at the last meeting and people said there were not tables there. Donna Nashawaty doesn’t know where they came from, but will find out. Selectman Roach stated that after the last meeting he drove up to the harbor to check it out and found three in the grassy area by the restrooms and two behind the gazebo. Selectman Gottling said there is also one by the Harbor House Livery.  

Town Manager Report
Donna Nashawaty reported that SB3 (pension reform bill) was vetoed by the Governor last Thursday. Supposedly, the reason it was vetoed SB2 (budget) contains items that were relative to the trailer bill. Chairman Gallup asked if the Governor vetoed the auto dealer registration bill. Representative Bowers said he signed it into law.  
Donna Nashawaty reported the new furnace has been installed.
Donna Nashawaty attended NH Municipal Managers Conference on June 16 & 17, which was held at the Mountain View Grand Hotel in Whitefield, NH.
•The Town Office staff hosted the Kindergarten class on Monday, June 20th.
•Selectman Roach wondered what shape the Town budget was in after signing all the abatements. Donna Nashawaty responded that every time a reevaluation is done, you make sure you allow an overlay to pay the money back, which the Town is well within the bounds of what was set aside.   

Meeting adjourned at 7:58PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Suzanne H. Gottling

Emma M. Smith